Creo que buscar y encontrar murales por las calles de Buenos Aires es algo que nunca me va a terminar de cansar. Hay variedad y calidad, y lo mejor de todo es que están en constante evolución. Mutan, se transforman, cambian. De un día para el otro, una simple pared se convierte en la obra de arte de algún artista callejero.
I truly think that looking for street art around the city of Buenos Aires is something I am never going to get tired of. There is variety and quality out there, and what I really enjoy is the dynamics of it all. It is constantly changing and evolving. From one day to the next, a simple wall becomes the canvas on which our street artists can do what they do best: Create.
I truly think that looking for street art around the city of Buenos Aires is something I am never going to get tired of. There is variety and quality out there, and what I really enjoy is the dynamics of it all. It is constantly changing and evolving. From one day to the next, a simple wall becomes the canvas on which our street artists can do what they do best: Create.