Un domingo al mediodía me encontró caminando por el barrio de San Telmo. El mes de octubre ya empieza a calentar la ciudad. El sol no perdona, pero la gente aprovecha para salir. Hordas, literalmente, invaden las calles. La calle Defensa, casi imposible de cruzar. Y sin embargo, calor del sol y calor humano de por medio, vale la pena perderse un poco en el corazón de uno de los barrios más antiguos de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Sunday, a few minutes after midday, I found myself strolling around San Telmo. The heat of the month of October is starting to heat the streets. The sun takes no prisoners, but everyone is taking their chances under the rays to get outdoors. Hordes of people that take to the streets. It´s practically impossible to cross Defensa street. And still, with the heat from the sun and the human heat, it´s worth withstanding to be able to get lost in the heart of San Telmo, one of the most antique neighbourhoods in the city of Buenos Aires.
Sunday, a few minutes after midday, I found myself strolling around San Telmo. The heat of the month of October is starting to heat the streets. The sun takes no prisoners, but everyone is taking their chances under the rays to get outdoors. Hordes of people that take to the streets. It´s practically impossible to cross Defensa street. And still, with the heat from the sun and the human heat, it´s worth withstanding to be able to get lost in the heart of San Telmo, one of the most antique neighbourhoods in the city of Buenos Aires.