En una de mis habituales salidas me topé con la muestra del escultor argentino Alejandro Curtto. Oriundo de Merlo, nace en el año 1962. Sus orígenes lo encuentran trabajando de muy chico en un taller de herrería donde hace suyo el oficio. Escultor autodidacta, sus obras se caracterizan por el uso de rezagos de hierro, plásticos y vidrios. Sus obras las encontré frente al Edificio "La Prensa" (La Casa de la Cultura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), sobre Avenida de Mayo.
On one of my usual walks I stumbled upon the exhibition of argentine sculptor Alejandro Curtto. He was born in Merlo in 1962. Life saw him working from a very young age at an iron smith workshop where he became acquainted with working with metal. Self taught sculptor, who works mainly with scrap iron, glass and plastics. I found his sculptures right in front of the "La Prensa" building on Avenida de Mayo.
On one of my usual walks I stumbled upon the exhibition of argentine sculptor Alejandro Curtto. He was born in Merlo in 1962. Life saw him working from a very young age at an iron smith workshop where he became acquainted with working with metal. Self taught sculptor, who works mainly with scrap iron, glass and plastics. I found his sculptures right in front of the "La Prensa" building on Avenida de Mayo.