
domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

Hotel Chile

El Hotel Chile se encuentra en la esquina de Avenida de Mayo y Santiago del Estero, en el barrio de Monserrat. Se inauguró en 1906 y originalmente se llamaba "Hotel Lutecia". Claro exponente del Art Nouveau, fue obra del arquitecto francés Louis Dubois. En el año 1938 cambia el nombre y pasa a ser conocido como el "Chile Hotel Romanelli". Lamentablemente ha perdido uno de sus rasgos más significativos que era su cúpula, que no soportó los embates del tiempo.

The Hotel Chile stands in the corner of Avenida de Mayo and Santiago del Estero, in the Monserrat neighbourhood of the city of Buenos Aires. It opened its doors in 1906 and was originally known as the "Hotel Lutecia". This building is a clear example of the Art Nouveau architecture which caracterized Avenida de Mayo during the first decades of the 1900´s. It was built by French architect Louis Dubois. In 1938 the hotel changes name and is thereafter known as the "Chile Hotel Romanelli". It has, unfortunately, lost one of its most distinctive features, which was its dome. Time took its toll and the dome is now lost.

4 comentarios:

  1. Lindísimmo.....somos dos por ahora los que miramos la ciudad con placer...

    1. Muchas gracias Ana! Espero que pronto seamos más los que amamos a nuestra ciudad! Saludos!

  2. Buenisimo! I heard that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid stayed at Hotel Chile for maybe one night on their escape down to Patagonia...puede ser??

    1. Thanks Madi! I've heard different versions of this story. One of them does mention the Hotel Chile although quite a lot of other accounts mention a Hotel Europa. Still trying to find out which version is true!
