The annual "Waiter's race" was celebrated just recently in Buenos Aires. Without a doubt the most bizarre race I've ever witnessed. What´s it all about? well waiters from around the country have to come dressed up in their work attaire and walk around 7 blocks down Avenida de Mayo, carrying a tray with two bottles and a glass of orange juice. They can´t run, just walk fast and they have to avoid spilling or toppling any of the bottles, or face elimination. The first to cross the line wins.
"A mi se me hace cuento que empezó Buenos Aires, la juzgo tan eterna como el agua y como el aire" , J.L.Borges
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012
La carrera de Mozos / The Waiter´s race
Se celebró la ya tradicional Carrera de Mozos y Camareras en su edición 2012. Probablemente la carrera más bizarra que haya presenciado en muchisimo tiempo. ¿En que consiste? Mozos y camareras se inscriben y tienen que venir a participar con su uniforme de trabajo. El objetivo es caminar a paso rapido 7 cuadras de la Avenida de Mayo, con una bandeja en la que hay una botella de gaseosa, otra de agua y un vaso servido con jugo de naranja. Usando una sola mano y sin que ninguna botella se caiga, el ganador es quien pase la linea de la meta primero.
The annual "Waiter's race" was celebrated just recently in Buenos Aires. Without a doubt the most bizarre race I've ever witnessed. What´s it all about? well waiters from around the country have to come dressed up in their work attaire and walk around 7 blocks down Avenida de Mayo, carrying a tray with two bottles and a glass of orange juice. They can´t run, just walk fast and they have to avoid spilling or toppling any of the bottles, or face elimination. The first to cross the line wins.
The annual "Waiter's race" was celebrated just recently in Buenos Aires. Without a doubt the most bizarre race I've ever witnessed. What´s it all about? well waiters from around the country have to come dressed up in their work attaire and walk around 7 blocks down Avenida de Mayo, carrying a tray with two bottles and a glass of orange juice. They can´t run, just walk fast and they have to avoid spilling or toppling any of the bottles, or face elimination. The first to cross the line wins.
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